Wednesday, May 19, 2010

workout videos: a revue

Work out videos are wonderful.

While I was recruiting for Green Corps down at Stanford, I met my friend Carolyn for lunch. Her and I had co-counselored during High School summer months at Ardsley Day Camp. We had almost completely lost touch, but I figured while I was in her neck of the woods, it might be fun to see her.

She told me about her boyfriend (the same one since we worked together 5 years ago- wow), her family, and her state of unemployment. When I asked how she was keeping herself busy, she confessed her new addiction: workout videos. I think she might have called them workout DVDs, because that's really what they are, but I feel that "workout video" captures the essence of spandex and sweat right in the comfort of your very own living room.

I laughed as she interpreted the ripped sweaty men and women that take up an hour of each day. I can't remember if I admitted to joining Carmen Electra in getting Fit to Strip in spurts over the past few years.

My first experience involving a workout video involved another ADC co-worker: Golsa, a good friend from growing up times and beyond. We tried out a few of the 4 DVDs that came in the set. My clearest memory which still brings a smile to my face, was when we could stand next to each other in front of the TV in the den at my parents house breaking a sweat to the hip hop dance DVD. Awkward flailing, kicking, and booty shaking galore.

Now that I'm unemployed (little cash/ lots of time), I've started up with Carmen again. However I keep it restricted to the normal workout DVD vs. hip hop, stripper dance, or who even knows what the 4th one is all about... but I think it involves costumes. I like it. Some of it is hard for me, but it can get boring to always here the same thing from the screen. Although I laugh to myself every time the guy says "the biggest muscle in your body- the legs!"

At the library, I spotted Hip Hop Abs. A perfect time to branch out. And I loved it. Sean T is the flamboyant trainer who raps his own intro. His whole thing is that he doesn't do crunches. But if your mind isn't overly cluttered by steroids or protein shakes, you might realize that you basically are doing crunches while standing, jumping, or dancing. This is in fact harder than just doing crunches. But I will admit, Sean T's signature Tilt, Tuck, Tighten is f-ing great. He walks you through each part, and intermittently will say things along the lines of "It's OK if you want me. You know I look good." or "C'mon girl, don't you wanna fit in that bikini?"

Sean T: 4/5 because it's fun, you will sweat, but your back doesn't get an even chance so it will hurt the next day

Next time I went to the library I spotted the Belly Twin's Bollywood Blast and Indi-Hop DVD. This had some promise, while looking hilarious. Win. Win. Unfortunately, this dynamic duo (for real identical twins) didn't have what it takes to get my blood pumping. And I was mostly annoyed because they would show a few moves and then put together a routine, that didn't necessarily correlate, and they would just go right to it. How am I supposed to know what combination these belly twins will come up with? I need direction during exercise.

Belly Twins: 2/5

And the of course there's Carmen: 4.5/5
I can always count on DVD #2 for a good workout, and if there's a need to spice things up, the rest of the DVDs are right there. Theoretically. I mean, the other three of mine are in New York.

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