Tuesday, July 13, 2010

when in rome

I figure while I have such easy access to internet, I might as well use it.

So, Ill start where I left off, with lunch. Mmmm. Mirella made pasta salad with rigfatoni, mozeralla cheese, tomatos, capers, and olives. It was so delicious. Im not sure that everyone knows this, but I do not like olives. I very carefully spooned out my serving trying to avoid them, without looking like I was trying to avoid them. There was one scoop that had an olive right in the middle, so I decided to be a big kid and try it. I still do not like olioves, but I made it through. I even had another that camoflouged itself in my second helping. There was also a bread/ craker with rosemary that was very tastey. After that there was the juciest sweetest cantalope Ive ever tasted, and a couple dark cherries too.

As I helped clear the dishes Mirella asked if I wanted ice cream, but there was absolutely no room. She did insist on making me coffe, and decaf was not a problem. She was quite a stash of all kinds of coffee, and it only took seconds to make in her little espresso machine. I was glad that she offered milk and sugar, because Im not sure if thats the real Italian way, but it was also very very good.

Over lunch, to make conversation and think towards the future of my trip, I asked about the bus system, which Mirella took and generously manipulated into us taking one after lunch... even though it was the hottest part of the day. After we finished, and she changed into a lovely dress, we set off on my first Roma Adventure. It was beautiful.

We took the bus to Villa Burgheese, walked around the tall trees and monuments until we landed at a small cafe. She ordered in Italian and asked me in English what I wanted and propmtly suggest iced tea, which sounded perfect for such a hot day. Then in italian she just ordered two of the same. She pulled out a look cigarette from her bag and said with a smile "I know in America this would be a scandal, but I have a cigarette every once in a while," and we laughed as she lit it.

From there we strolled through different Piazzas and landmarks. Most of which I can not remember because her pronounciation is not something I can say back correctly. However there are some pictures, and I know I saw the famous fountain thats in lots of movies. Plus some catherdrals and lots of government mansions.

We also passed a ton of tourist shops, which were fun to look into. Maybe Ill grab some schwag with fellow tourists later in the trip.

Now is some down time, before dinner and the ballet. Plus Ill be taking another shower. This might not be such an important marker for some, but for me that could tell just as much as a thermometer. Yes, I might even shower 3 times today. Who knows!

all for now and all my love,

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