Friday, April 16, 2010

four grandmas

You know when a group forces you unwillingly to participate in a round of icebreakers (and sometimes you might secretly enjoy it, but you'll still roll your eyes)? Have you ever faced a question that goes something like "What's something that people wouldn't expect by looking at you?"

I freeze every time. Every time. And I default to "I got hit in the face with a golf club." Every time.

Well, next time... I'll be ready. One can only hope that my next career will lead me to awkward intro questions and ice breakers, so I can use this one on them.

I have four grandmas.

I'm sure some folks might read that, and think "that's not fair," because they might only have one or none at all, but we all know in our hearts, this one isn't about fair. It's the rule of Moms.

Let's backup a minute:
In my last post it said "mom (Alyson)" and that could have been because I wanted everyone to know that my mom's name is Alyson, which is true. However it also serves as a way to differentiate between my mom, Alyson, who ever so kindly squeezed me out 23 years ago, and my step mom, Pam, who ever so kindly has helped raise me for the last 19. It's tricky because I call them both "mom," because yes, I have got two moms.

If you're trying to jump ahead, and you're excellent at Math you're wondering how two moms and a dad equal four grandmas, but let me just tell you who's who first.

Grandma Mandy comes as part of a set, along with Grandpa Marty. My dad's parents who couldn't be any more lovely or tiny. When I was little I called her "Maima," she gave me a peter pan haircut that looked like a golden beanie with tiny curls popping out unexpectedly, and she would eat half a grapefruit for breakfast. I got to put sugar on my half.

Savta (Hebrew for grandma) Bobby is Pam's mom. She is a strong woman with a lot going on: water color classes, bridge games, trips to the museum, and more. I remember being at The Lake House growing up, and climbing into her bed so we could play with troll dolls. And put make up on them. Drag queen troll dolls... maybe we were onto something.

Ruth is Alyson's mom, and she (then with Grandpa Herb) would take me to Pizza Hut. One time Sue, my babysitter, gave my grandparent's directions to Pizza Hut, but at the big intersection we went the wrong way. Even in second grade I knew it was the wrong way. Sue jokes still to this day that she wasn't sure if she would ever see me again.

And last, but in no way least, there is The New Grandma, Lenore. As it turns out, mom (Alyson) was adopted. But she found her birth mother just about 2 years ago. She is the quintessential Florida-dwelling Jewish Grandmother, and she's fabulous. Seriously. She has leopard print glasses.

So when I refer to these glorious people, you'll already know about my four grandmas.

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