Tuesday, April 20, 2010

lost and found

A couple of days after I started this blog, I had a bunch of ideas for posts. Because I can't be sure how long a thought will flicker, I started writing enough so I could come back to these seedlings. Apparently hitting "SAVE NOW" doesn't mean what I expected it to. My new theory is that this "SAVE NOW" blue rectangle, does not do what it implies.

There is no draft section in sight.

I don't have a great understanding of how to work the computer, the internet, or any combination. So, at this point there are two possibilities:
One. It's here, saved, somewhere. I either don't see it or don't know where to look.
Two. I thought I was saving something to my blog area, but it really is just a save as you go type of situation.

Don't worry friends, I always have plenty to say. And even if I don't have a real point, I can go on. And on. I just wish there was a Lost and Found for ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I found your post..it was something about stealing mail and why that's morally/socially acceptable as long as it's left on your property?? There's gotta be some federal regulation for that type of situation somewhere...

    Or was it phone books? And the idea that they are not just used for ordering chinese food or looking up home services, but in fact for stalking your favorite teacher (or the imaginary, yet extremely animated miniature man-JT-on his daily shirts). Maybe you wanted to get in touch with his tiny chihuahua (which i just spelled for the first time ever, and did it correctly! i'm such a nerd but that's exciting for me) whom he never took care of properly since he couldn't hear him.

